What should your first tattoo be? Where should you get it? Here are some suggestions before you get your first tattoo.

When getting your first tattoo, there may be a lot of things to consider, but you must know one thing for sure; you want a tattoo. Committing to the idea of getting your first tattoo may be intimidating, but the excitement of the challenge is overall worth the stress.
Unlike your 45th tattoo, there's a lot to consider with your first. Your body is a blank canvas at this stage. You may be deciding on a theme for the rest of your life.
An overall suggestion that is agreed upon across the industry is to start small. There are multiple reasons to support this suggestion such as: pain tolerance, commitment issues, and later on, regret.
A common trend for beginner tattoos is a small meaningful quote or date. Miniature type style tattoos are quick and very affordable, with the addition to have a meaningful reminder on yourself makes this the number one option.
Before scheduling an appointment with a tattoo artist, discuss details to make sure to build a trust; you don't want your first tattoo to go wrong for any reason.